How to load Sylenth1 in Logic Pro
Sylenth1 v3.0 is available in 64-bit for OSX. Please make sure to download the latest version of Sylenth1 from the links in your license email.

First make sure to restart your Mac after installing Sylenth1, otherwise your Mac may not be able to find the plug-in. Then start Logic and create a new track (Option-Cmd-N). Select type "Software Instrument" and click "Create".

Create track

Click the small arrows on the track's instrument button as shown below.

Instrument button

From the menu that pops up, select "AU Instruments" > "LennarDigital" > "Sylenth1".


That's it! The full version of Sylenth1 will ask you to activate Sylenth1 when it's started for the first time. Click here to find out how to activate Sylenth1.


Sylenth1 Sounds
All samples are 100% Sylenth1, 192kbps mp3 and have not been processed in any way. Read more..